Passionate demonstrators outside the court opposed or supported a Tennessee law banning transgender health care for minors. The court is expected to rule by June.
Duane Foster feels his 50 years of age in his back, ankles and knees, but he also feels it in his outlook on life, his sense of self and in the rich community he’s found for himself.
LGBTQ+ D.C. residents attend Kamala Harris rally at The Ellipse. They say this race will define the way marginalized people are treated in this country. In their eyes, Harris is the only choice to support them.
As mail-in ballots begin to be counted and voters start trickling into early voting centers, American voters’ eyes will soon be concentrated on a couple of key voter groups. One major category: young voters. ...
×îÐÂÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ attended the first three forums to discuss arming American University police officers. The meetings featured light attendance, an initial indication that few campus members publicly support enhancing weaponry...