
Ron Kahn, a member of Save Connecticut Avenue, opposes the bike lane project on Connecticut Avenue

Residents take to the street to argue over bike lanes on Connecticut Avenue

Over a dozen people rallied on Connecticut Avenue to protest the city鈥檚 plan to add protected bike lanes on the road. A smaller group of counter protestors made their support for the lanes known.

The dispute over a proposed bike lane project spilled onto Connecticut Avenue during rush hour today as advocates and opponents sought to promote their positions on an issue that has pitted Cleveland Park residents against each other.

Holding big, colorful signs, more than a dozen people rallied about two hours on the 3400 block of Connecticut Avenue to protest the city鈥檚 plan to add protected bike lanes on the road. They were soon joined by a smaller group of counter protestors voicing support for the project.

The proposed bike lanes would be part of larger changes envisioned for the 2.7-mile stretch of Connecticut Avenue between Cleveland Park and Chevy Chase. According to the District’s Department of Transportation鈥檚 , the project鈥檚 goals and benefits include reducing crashes and enhancing safety for all roadway users.

Lee Mayer, the president of Save Connecticut Avenue, an organization that opposes the city鈥檚 plan, said the protest鈥檚 purpose is to spread his organization鈥檚 main message: 鈥淣o bike lanes on Connecticut Avenue.鈥

Demonstrators protesting protected bike lanes on Connecticut Avenue.
Protesters gather on the 3400 block of Connecticut Avenue to oppose the city’s proposed bike lane project.

Too Dangerous for Bikes.

鈥淩iding a bike on Connecticut Avenue is way too dangerous,鈥 Mayer said. 鈥淭his organization is not against bike lanes. We鈥檙e just against them in this area.鈥

Mayer said his organization has been protesting the project since 2019, with members even starting a petition against it last year. He said bike lanes on Connecticut Avenue would not be safe for drivers, pedestrians, and even cyclists.

鈥淧rotected bike lanes aren鈥檛 protected where there are intersections and driveways,鈥 he said. 鈥淲e are even worried about cyclists, even though they don鈥檛 want to listen.鈥

Ron Kahn, a member of Save Connecticut Avenue, opposes the bike lane project. He said he came from his home in Chevy Chase, Md. to stand with protesters, adding that government officials are not considering the input of residents.

鈥淲e are fighting DDOT because their planning process is very flawed,鈥 Kahn said. 鈥淭hey do not consider the input of citizens, especially the elderly. They just make decisions and don鈥檛 communicate.鈥

Sheryl Barnes, a long-time Cleveland Park resident, said the project could impact her day-to-day. She said she had to implement changes into her routine due to current construction projects going on in the area.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 shop here anymore,鈥 Barnes said, pointing to the businesses along the crosswalk. 鈥淚 live down the street, and I used to come here. Now, it鈥檚 very difficult to get parking, so I don鈥檛 do it anymore.鈥

Bikers Buy Stuff.

鈥淭his project has been going on for the past 4 years,鈥 said Steve Seelig, a member of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.

最新蜜桃影像ington Area Bicyclist Association founded the 鈥淚 Bike, I Buy Stuff鈥 campaign to promote support for the bike lane project. According to its , the campaign focuses on reminding business owners on Connecticut Avenue that many of their customers are people who bike.

Avni Gokser supports the proposed bike lanes.
Avni Gosker holds signs showing his support for bike lanes on Connecticut Avenue.

Standing a few feet away from the Save Connecticut Avenue members, Seelig said he came out to the area on his bike to speak out against the organization鈥檚 members. He said the implementation of a bike lane in the area will keep commuters safe, including himself.

鈥淚鈥檓 a senior citizen! I ride my bike!鈥 he said. 鈥淭he notion that elderly people are somehow disadvantaged by having bike lanes is just a false statement. If there is not a bike lane here, I won鈥檛 be able to do it.鈥

Avni Gokser, a cyclist from the area and supporter of the project, said it is important to have a bike lane on a busy street like Connecticut Avenue.

鈥淚鈥檝e been riding in this area for almost 40 years,鈥 Gokser said. 鈥淚t is important to have a bike lane in this area.鈥

DDOT plans to have the concept designs for the project finalized by fall of 2o23.聽 Seelig said his group will keep pushing for the project to move forward.

鈥淭his our street. We live here and we want it to be safer,鈥 he said. 鈥淲e want there to be a bike lane so everyone has a safe place to be.鈥

More than 100 miles of protected bike lanes now exist throughout the District, according to the mayor鈥檚 .

Daniela Lobo

Daniela Lobo currently covers the Cleveland Park and Cathedral Heights neighborhoods. Prior to 最新蜜桃影像, she worked as a content producer at NBC10 Boston and Telemundo Nueva Inglaterra. Daniela is currently pursuing her masters's degree in journalism and public affairs at American University.

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